I have read somewhere that the opposite of addiction is connection. Addiction comes in many forms in our lives and is oftentimes not as obvious as that of a drug addict or an alcoholic. We can be addicted to harming thought patterns and behaviors that are more subtle and hard to identify. Recognizing these harmful actions is incredibly difficult in the fast-paced society we have created.
For me, it helps to get out and connect with nature. Touring has really opened my eyes some years ago, and it is now something I prefer to do more than anything else. It always starts with a little battle. Catching your breath, finding your flow, until eventually everything becomes peaceful. These are the moments where I am best capable of analyzing my thought patterns, and more importantly - to be grateful for sharing something meaningful with friends in this tiny fragment in time.
Touring can also push your own boundaries of what you thought you were capable of. Sometimes it is not comfortable to be near exhaustion and close to be frostbitten. However, you will appreciate regular comfort more afterwards. Appreciation of the little things are pretty important to happiness I find. Reading a Donald Duck magazine also helps.
Comfort is something we should break away from when we can. Comfort in thought patterns make it harder to challenge your own believes. Entertaining different opinions and thoughts can help us see different perspectives. Too much comfort in our daily lives can make us lazy – which will then make it hard to appreciate almost anything.
Sometimes all we need to do is get out. Get out of our own head, and away from what makes us too comfortable. This is where I believe true connection can be found. Just as much as connection is the opposite of addiction – comfort is the opposite of feeling content. It wouldn’t be fun if it was easy right?
Let’s get out – and connect.